Friday, March 30, 2012

Problems Installing SQL Server when CTP was previously installed

If you are having problems installing SQL Server, including Express Edition, and you previously installed one of the Community Technology Preview (CTP) releases, then read on...

Please provide feedback if any of these steps are confusing.


Note that if the user already has .NET Framework on their machine, they're going to have to go back to an earlier version, do the SQL Uninstall, then go forward to the RTM version.

Please look at the %Program Files%\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup
Bootstrap\LOG\Files\SQLSetup*_Core.log file. It should have a bit of
information in it saying what the conflict is and some GUIDs indicating
the product codes of the conflicting programs. The section you are looking
for will look something like this (and may repeat):
Running: PerformSCCAction2 at: 2004/6/27 13:54:12
Product "{982DB00A-9C4E-436B-8707-18E113BAA44C}" versioned
9.00.823 is not compatible with current builds of SQL
Server.Expected at least version: 9.00.849
The Product Name is "Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis
Services Beta 2"
In this case, the offending product is “Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services Beta 2" with a product code of "{982DB00A-9C4E-436B-8707-18E113BAA44C}"
If the programs are still visible in the Add/Remove Programs control panel (ARP),
please remove them in the order specified by the readme file.

If they are not in ARP, please run the following steps:
Assuming you still have the media for the old build,
1/ Uninstall the current SQL Support files.
2/ Uninstall the current SQL Native Client (SNAC)
3/ Uninstall the current .NET Frameworks 2.0
4/ Run the old setup.exe up until it starts asking you what you want to install
(let it install SNAC and .NET), then exit setup.
5/ (**Skip this step for: SNAC, SQL Support Files and .NET Frameworks 2.0) run "msiexec /x {ProductGUID} /l*v c:\logfile.txt" for each of the ProductGUIDs listed in your Core log file from above.

Assuming that succeeds,
6/ Uninstall SQL Support Files
7/ Uninstall SQL Native Client
8/ Uninstall .NET Frameworks 2.0
9/ Install the RTM product.


Would it not be easier/faster to
1) backup schemas
2) backup data
3) wipe system clean
4) install OS
5) install RTM?|||left out two most important steps Tongue Tied
6) restore schema
7) restore data

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