can someone help me why it produces an error...
error is: ERROR 22001 Microsoft ODBC SQL Server Driver SQL Server STRING or data of BINARY was cut short.
ERROR 01000 Microsoft ODBC SQL Server Driver SQL Server statement was ended.
This is my code here for editing a record...
Protected Sub Button_save2_Click1(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button_save2.Click
'||||| Create string connection
Dim StrConn As String = "Dsn=MS_PKG01;UID=emiline;APP=Microsoft? Visual Studio? 2005;WSID=MSHNP200603;DATABASE=MS_PKG01;Trusted_Connection=Yes"
'||||| Create connection object
Dim MyConn As Odbc.OdbcConnection = New Odbc.OdbcConnection(StrConn)
'||||| Open connection
'|||| Create odbcCommand object
Dim Update_record As New Odbc.OdbcCommand("UPDATE TM0001 SET TM0001.syain_name = ?, TM0001.syain_pass = ?, TM0001.office_id = ?, TM0001.birth_date = ?, TM0001.empl_date = ?, TM0001.user_iden = ? ", MyConn)
Dim hireYear As String
Dim hireMonth As String
Dim hireDay As String
Dim date_hire As String
hireYear = DropDownList_hire_yr.Text
hireMonth = DropDownList_hire_mo.Text
hireDay = DropDownList_hire_day.Text
date_hire = hireYear + "/" + hireMonth + "/" + hireDay
'|||| Add command parameters
Update_record.Parameters.Add("@.P1", OdbcType.Char, 8).Value = TextBox_id.Text
Update_record.Parameters.Add("@.P2", OdbcType.Char, 20).Value = TextBox_name.Text
Update_record.Parameters.Add("@.P3", OdbcType.Char, 20).Value = TextBox_pswd.Text
Update_record.Parameters.Add("@.P3", OdbcType.Char, 40).Value = DropDownList_office.SelectedValue
Update_record.Parameters.Add("@.P3", OdbcType.Char, 2).Value = date_hire
Update_record.Parameters.Add("@.P3", OdbcType.Char, 10).Value = TextBox_bday.Text
Update_record.Parameters.Add("@.P3", OdbcType.Char, 1).Value = DropDownList_iden.SelectedValue
'|||| Execute command
'|||| Close connection
End Sub
End Class
I modify some codes already but still same error...
my code:
'||||| Create connection object
Dim MyConn As Odbc.OdbcConnection = New Odbc.OdbcConnection(StrConn)
'|||| Create odbcCommand object
Dim Update_record As New Odbc.OdbcCommand("UPDATE TM0001 SET TM0001.syain_name = ?, TM0001.syain_pass = ?, TM0001.office_id = ?, TM0001.birth_date = ?, TM0001.empl_date = ?, TM0001.user_iden = ? where syain_id = ? ", MyConn)
id_user = TextBox_id.Text
name = TextBox_name.Text
pass = TextBox_pswd.Text
office_id = DropDownList_office.SelectedValue
bday = TextBox_bday.Text
iden = DropDownList_iden.SelectedValue
hireYear = DropDownList_hire_yr.Text
hireMonth = DropDownList_hire_mo.Text
hireDay = DropDownList_hire_day.Text
date_hire = hireYear + "/" + hireMonth + "/" + hireDay
'|||| Add command parameters
Update_record.Parameters.Add("@.P1", OdbcType.Char).Value = name
Update_record.Parameters.Add("@.P1", OdbcType.Char).Value = pass
Update_record.Parameters.Add("@.P1", OdbcType.Char).Value = office_id
Update_record.Parameters.Add("@.P1", OdbcType.Char).Value = date_hire
Update_record.Parameters.Add("@.P1", OdbcType.Char).Value = bday
Update_record.Parameters.Add("@.P1", OdbcType.Char).Value = iden
Update_record.Parameters.Add("@.P1", OdbcType.Char).Value = id_user
'||||| Open connection
'|||| Execute command
'|||| Close connection
i think a textfield has more data as permitted, so the update command crashed. You can inspect the prepared SQLCommand inside the Update_record object and try to execute this command direct in the database (Query Analyzer or Database Command Prompt Interface).
Marc Andre
hmmm i already check it and there is nothing wrong...
and whenever i input a new record it always satisfy the condition in the data type...
but still i dont why when i edit it generates error in my code...
hmmm another thing that i observe in my code is that when
i click the save button when editing it doesnt change anything...but the first record or the initial record always shows...
i tried putting is postback but nothing happens...
everytime i press the save button to saved my changes in the data the initial entry shows...
coz in my pageload the initial entry or the first record in the dabse is shown...
hmmm what do u think?
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