Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Problems Inserting DateTimeStamp into database

Here's the error I get trying to run the code posted below..."Prepared statement '(@.datestamp datetime,@.PrevValue real,@.NewValue real,@.IPaddress r' expects parameter @.datestamp, which was not supplied."

I've tried it without the quotes around the DateTime.Now and also adding the # around them. Without the quotes, I do get a different error because it doesn't like the spaces in the DateTime text. Also, the datestamp data in the database is formatted as a datetime (MS SQL Server 2005).

Here's my code:

PrivateSub UpdateRefresh()


UpdateDataAdapter.InsertCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO dbo.tbDeploy(datestamp," & _

"PrevValue, NewValue, IPaddress, HighCapability, LowCapability, Share) VALUES" & _

"('" & DateTime.Now & "', '" & lblCurrent.Text & "', '" & lblCurrent.Text & _

"', '" & lblIP.Text & "', '" & lblHigh.Text & "', '" & lblLow.Text & "', '" & lblShare.Text & "')"




Use parameterized queries. Your problem will be solved. You can also prevent SQL Injection attacks.

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