Friday, March 30, 2012

Problems installing SP4 on MSDE 2000 (SP3)

Hi there,

I have some trouble installing SP4 onto an existing MSDE 2000 (with SP3).
I run setup like described in the readme: "setup /upgradesp sqlrun" => Setup starts and I get: "Product already installed ... "
Im using the MSDE version of the SP4 setup, the MSSQL version Im running is 8.00.760
Ive also tried to use the UPGRADEUSER and UPGRADEPWD arguments, but with the same results.

Any ideas?

Thank you

I guess you attempted couple of times SP4 install.

You need to modify following registry key and rerun setup.

after running successfull you need to change it back to original values.

Registry key is:

Local Machine\software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSqlServer\CurrentVersion

change 8.00.194 to something else [8.00.888]

change 8.00.761 to something else [8.00.999]


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