Saturday, February 25, 2012

Problem with VB6 App & SQL 2000 (Locking & lost transactions)

Problem with VB6 App & SQL 2000 (Locking & lost transactions)
We are having a big, big problem with our OLTP system.
We have a VB6 App. that receive transactions (TX) via Winsock from an
Access Server (NAC) that comes from Points-of-sales (POS)
The VB 6 App receive the packet, then pharses it and fill a lot of variable.
Then the App call a stored procedure (With ADO) called t_recepcion whith
aprox. 10 parameters (That are form the pharse proccess) and the sp receive
the results as output parameters. Finally the App build the response packet
and send it to the POS by Winsock Again.
This sp (t_recepcion) call another sp for resolve the transaction.
There are 15000 transactions per day
Well, the problem is that we are losing transactions from the database that
were responded by the system (The people that
made the transaction had the ticket printed)
I don´t know how can I make the BEGIN - COMMIT for have the highest
isolation level for each transaction. or if I must change something in the
SQL Engine
When one transaction come to the App and hang, the App continue responding
transactions but in some cases I must close the App. Then the system make a
ROLLBACK to this hanged transaction (Losing the transactions that were
responsed after the hang)
I don´t know if you understand my problem (My English is not good, and I am
not the developer)
But I need to solve this tremendous problem
If you could solve it , you are very welcome. if not, tell me if you have
some tips for do this
Thanks in Advance
Javier take a look at these articles for more info:;en-us;323630;en-us;75722;en-us;295108;en-us;224453
RAC v2.1 & QALite!
"Javier Villegas" <> wrote in message
> Problem with VB6 App & SQL 2000 (Locking & lost transactions)
> Hi,
> We are having a big, big problem with our OLTP system.
> We have a VB6 App. that receive transactions (TX) via Winsock from an
> Access Server (NAC) that comes from Points-of-sales (POS)
> The VB 6 App receive the packet, then pharses it and fill a lot of
> Then the App call a stored procedure (With ADO) called t_recepcion whith
> aprox. 10 parameters (That are form the pharse proccess) and the sp
> the results as output parameters. Finally the App build the response
> and send it to the POS by Winsock Again.
> This sp (t_recepcion) call another sp for resolve the transaction.
> There are 15000 transactions per day
> Well, the problem is that we are losing transactions from the database
> were responded by the system (The people that
> made the transaction had the ticket printed)
> I don´t know how can I make the BEGIN - COMMIT for have the highest
> isolation level for each transaction. or if I must change something in the
> SQL Engine
> When one transaction come to the App and hang, the App continue responding
> transactions but in some cases I must close the App. Then the system make
> ROLLBACK to this hanged transaction (Losing the transactions that were
> responsed after the hang)
> I don´t know if you understand my problem (My English is not good, and I
> not the developer)
> But I need to solve this tremendous problem
> If you could solve it , you are very welcome. if not, tell me if you have
> some tips for do this
> Thanks in Advance
> Javier

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