In my inventory system I have a table Units which has 3 fields - UnitID, UnitName, Quantity.
Suppose I purchase any product. I will input that in my Receives table with a Quantity and Unit field. When I issue a product I'll input that in Issues table with a Quantity and Unit field.
Now problem is I will purchase products with one unit like Box and issue product in another unit like piece. A box may contain some pieces.
How can I provide this facility with the following tables ? I want something like, when quering current stock, it should show -
Product Quantity
-- --
Pencil 16 Box and 3 Piece
And while issueing and purchasing I want to calculate the stock. In the Unit table I want to define each unit with the containing smallest quantity, Like -
Dozen 12
Packet 20
Need help!
Option 1:
Always store the peices on your table. Then you can represent it any unit.
Product QuantityInPieces DisplayUnit
Option 2:
You can change the datatype of Quantity from int to float.
12 Box 5 Pieces if displayunit = Box
The floor is always Box/Dozen it may be identified from the Unit column. The decimal numbers always indicate the pieces..
BUT I recommand to use OPTION 1.
Code Snippet
Declare @.Units Table
UnitId int,
UnitName varchar(100),
UnitQty int
Insert Into @.Units Values(1,'Box',20);
Insert Into @.Units Values(2,'Dozen',12);
Declare @.Product Table
product varchar(100),
qtyinpieces int,
displayunit int
Insert Into @.Product Values('One', 122,1);
Insert Into @.Product Values('Two', 234,2);
Insert Into @.Product Values('Three', 24,2);
Insert Into @.Product Values('Four', 50,1);
,Convert(varchar,P.qtyinpieces/UnitQty) + ' ' + UnitName + Case When P.qtyinpieces%UnitQty <> 0 Then ' ' + Cast(P.qtyinpieces%UnitQty as Varchar) + ' Pieces' Else '' End
@.Product P Join @.Units U on P.displayunit=U.UnitId
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