Saturday, February 25, 2012

Problem with using 'OutPut Clause' in SQL SEERVER 2005

Hi everyBody,

I Tried to use "OutPut" clause in insert statment as fallows:

insert into test

OUTPUT Inserted.Name,Inserted.LastName

values ('John','kransky')

The Error:

Line 2: Incorrect syntax near 'OUTPUT'.

but I face with this error,I checked MSDN and the other sources, it seems everything is ok. But when I run it ,I face with that error message.I would be appriciate if someone help me on it.

OUTPUT values MUST be 'captured' in some fashion. Typically, the OUTPUT values are captured in a @.Temp table.

For Example, this might work for you:

Code Snippet

DECLARE @.NewRows table

( [Name] varchar(20),

LastName varchar(20)



OUTPUT Inserted.Name, Inserted.LastName

INTO @.NewRows

VALUES ( 'John', 'kransky' );

Then you can use the data in the @.NewRows table however you wish.

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