Saturday, February 25, 2012

problem with using String Variable in IN Function

Hellow !!
My problem is that I want to use a string variable in the 'where' clause Like this.I am using VB.6

dim ID as string
ID = "('1','2')"

Select coursecode from student
where studentid in ID

Now tell me how to solve this problem. or is there any other way to solve this problem.
Plz help me out.One solution would be:

dim ID as string
ID = ".1.2."

Select coursecode from student
where ID LIKE '%.' || studentid || '.%';|||Hellow !!

First i will say thanks. Tell me some other solution, this one is not working. Let me tell you i am using SQLSever 2000.
Let me explaing my problem with some more details." select coursecode from course where student id='1'" , connectionobject

Now save the recordset data in an array or in a string

let suppose
array(0)= "Eng"

dim str as string

now how i will use this array or this string in another select statement like "select studentid from student where coursecode = ???",connectionObject,adopenstatic

Plz dont tell to use sunquery
I will be waiting for the reply Thanks|||You can use IN:

select studentid from student where coursecode in ('eng','phy')|||Hellow :
Thanks for the reply. Actually the result of the first query is not" select coursecode from course where student id='1'" , connectionobject

'Consider the result of this query will be different ever time when ever it runs.
' Like it may give 4 records,10 records may be 15 in the recordset
'now i have two ways to store the result of the query , i can store it either in a "string variable" or in an "Array".
' if string variable is used like

dim str as string
str = "('phy','chem','math')" or str = ('eng','oop','db','oose')

(forget this how i saved the data from the query in this string like this )
the only problem with using the string in the query is the outer quots " " . like "select studentid from student where coursecode = "' & str & '" ",connectionObject,adopenstatic

Now if i use an array for storing the result of the first query. Tell me the way how that array will be use in the second query like "select studentid from student where coursecode = array ",connectionObject,adopenstatic

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